cultivated field


It’s logical to evolve : we need to have this mentality , one which doesn’t know and doesn’t ever give up voluntarily . Yeah , in the life of a winning evolver there are many paths to say ‘enough’ to the everyday errors : to evolve it may be enough to not get involved . One less error is already a win for you . Motivation , concentration , determination , consistency and passion are , obviously like stones , the farm most sincere for an evolution assured and without additional problems.


 That’s how it is : desire itself is the point of strength of the man who wants to evolve . On the contrary , weakness and uncertainty make a trampoline to launch (into empty space) those who like self-destruction. I tell you , it is necessary to construct moderately passionate situations everyday to live an ‘ascending’ life. Even anger is useful to push us to improvement; this way , like offenses and slander against yourself help you to react (with the force of want and with a positive mentality) , pushing you towards your original objectives. Evolving is a right but also a duty of everyone : those who don’t participate or those who are lazy do not want to contribute to the growth and improvement of this society . If you stay the way you are , you’ll see things negatively , if you improve yourself , these things already become more positive.

Children love kites : with dreams they fly beyond their needs .

Jealousy is the worst flaw because it destroys interpersonal relationships .

The reason for the enmities between acquaintances, relatives, powerful people of the earth is this: if one does not give up to his pride, the other will hardly give up his own .

If you are at peace with yourself , others will be as well : for sure , it’s mathematical .

by Your Francesco Saverio Boni

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